Why do EVEN the best players in the world
experiment with different putters on occasion?
Two reasons:
1) To find it if you’ve lost it
2) To appreciate what you’ve got if it’s good!
For TOUR players, it’s as simple as walking to the practice green and taking a putter from a rep to compare on course vs. their gamer on the course.
For most of the rest of us, we are stuck using a putting corral in a store.
We must then weigh the decision to either scrap our current putter (more $ and more ?'s) or always wonder if we missed out on something that could work better.
Well, since you are already a Bloodline customer - you are in LUCK!
Right now, there are PGA TOUR players experimenting with a more stable putter design style (and winning Majors) for the very first time!
The big first thing that grabs you about this new style of putters is that if feels like t i m e s l o w s d o w n through the impact zone.
Stabilizing your putter is easier when PHYSICS works to your advantage.
Improving stability in the impact zone makes a BIG DIFFERENCE
Of course you hit some solid putts with your current putter.
Just slap some impact tape on your putter face, you will realize that you need ALL THE HELP YOU CAN GET!
The good news is: Help is within reach.
Follow in the footsteps of PGA TOUR players...
Bloodline’s Special 38" Shaft Combo
Interchangeable with YOUR Bloodline putter head
You are living proof of how the Bloodline putter is helping thousands of golfers improve their putting.
The Special 38" shaft add-on delivers a different dimension to Bloodline’s putter franchise.
The 38” model includes a 38.5” specialty steel putter shaft and a 17” Superstroke grip.
Together these two overlength components add counterbalancing stability to your stroke in a way that you’ve likely never experienced.
THINK: Tightrope walker and a BETTER balancing pole
It’s true that the putter set up is noticeably longer than what you’re probably used to.
Most people adjust quickly.
Just grip the putter at the height you are used to (maybe 34” or 35” from the ground).
And everything takes care of itself. Usually just a few strokes and you are dialed in.
The reason is that the extra length in the shaft and grip provide balance to the head while
you make your stroke.
The result is more control and more putts going IN THE HOLE!
Don’t waste any more time guessing about how BLOODLINE TECHNOLOGY can help you take your putting to the NEXT LEVEL
✔ Bloodline Golf is the brainchild of two decorated golf industry pioneers and is used by four-time major champion Ernie Els.
✔ Five wins on major professional tours is only possible when a product OUTPERFORMS the big OEM’s who are paying huge sponsorship bonuses.
✔ Patented touch-points stabilize the putter head at the lie, loft, and face angle
✔ Interchangeable options for your existing putter head that include: ultralight (standalone functionality), traditional shaft/grip (familiar feel and swing weight), and the new “38 Special” (added control through the impact zone)