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Lag Putting Drill

Lag Putting Drill

This week, Cody Alexander, Bloodline’s 4th generation, shows us a lag putting drill to work on your speed for longer putts. This will help decrease three-putts and ease nerves around the green.

Lag putting is the ability to get the ball close to the hole on long putts. These are putts where you’re not trying to sink the first putt but trying to get it within a couple feet of the cup. This puts you in a great position to hole the next putt. If you want to decrease your 3-putts, then start with improving your lag putting and distance control.

To start the drill, make a square box with tees just past the hole. Place one tee one foot to the left of the hole, another one foot to the right, and finally two tees two feet past the hole to make a square. This is your target zone. The goal is to make every putt into this box. 

Next, you need to mark off a distance of 20 feet from the hole as your starting point. 

The goal is to get 5 out of 10 putts inside the box from 20 feet away. Once you make the putts, move back another couple of feet and continue putting until you get another 5 out of 10 putts inside the box. Keep moving further out until you can consistently get 5 out of 10 putts inside the box.

Now here is the twist. You can only use three golf balls. This makes it so you have to walk and get it after three putts. This is done on purpose. If you hit ten golf balls, then you’re going to get into a grove that you will never be able to get into on the course. We want you to recreate playing situations so that you can improve on the course and not just on your fifth through tenth putt.

You can practice this drill with or without a Bloodline putter, but with the Bloodline technology, you know that your starting line is always on target, and you can focus on making a solid putting stroke. When you have a longer putt, you can focus on distance control because you can be more confident about your alignment and your ability to make the putt coming back.

Check out the drill here: 
